Monday, February 21, 2011

Bahrain Sunnis & Me - what we have in common

I have decided the Bahrain Sunnis are my long lost people. My grandfather was an orphan left on a doorstep - so really anything is possible. I read the NY Times each weekday hoping to gain insight into the world and be an educated voter. Stop laughing. I was brought to excited dancing glee when I began reading Michael Slackman's article for the Times on February 17, 2011. Mr. Slackman was interviewing 30 something educated Sunnis in Bahrain in regard to their opinions on the Shitte uprising.

Here is the quote that caused my instant feeling of kinship:
“Whose fault is it when you have five or six kids and you can’t afford two?” Ms. Mohammed asked. “Why is that the government’s fault?”

Everytime I read it warms the cockles of my heart. Seriously...they are warm.

I want you to stop and think for a moment about something. Bahrain is a TOTAL MONARCHY. Why is that they who live in what is supposed to be a more repressive society feel that they can openly talk about what keeps the poor well poor but here in the DEMOCRACY do not.

Oh that's right because everytime you try and get a word in edgewise that is tainted with (hold on I am going to say a bad word here) the TRUTH you are labeled insensitive or worse racist. The last one really sticks in my craw because they are calling me a racist - when really calling me that implies that think all poor people are only of a particular race or two.

Come on people! Stand up - stop apologizing for being right! Stop apologizing for stating the facts as they are plainly obvious. I am all for politeness and being congenial but that does not mean you ignore what is right in front of your face. We don't need to be rude about it or speak unkindly but dammit we need to say it.

Do not let people guilt you, or make you feel bad for stating the the TRUTH. Just because no one wants to admit it does not mean we should ignore it. If the Sunnis can stand up and talk about it with a world wide reporter why can't we talk to each other?

Let's stop smiling and pretending everything is fine when it's not! Speak up and out! And remember be polite about it :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be a Lady: Cross Your Legs

Why do people who cannot afford the children they already have continue to have more? At the cost of the taxpayer? Let's get really controversial and say that those receiving welfare (cash not food stamps) and section 8 housing should be required to use birth control until retired from the program. Yes I said those receiving government aid beyond a subsidy to help with food should not be allowed to procreate until *gasp* they can afford to do so! Get out your pitchforks because I am very serious about this.
If people on welfare really did not want to be on it they would do things to change that situation - starting with oh my - STOP HAVING KIDS you cannot afford to support. I am so sick of hearing about how everyone has rights blah blah blah - you have a right to make a choice to not have children you cannot afford to house, feed, clothe etc. One is a mistake, those you continue to have AFTER you are already on welfare well that is another story.
I worked for the section 8 program here in California after working in welfare for 7 years prior to that. I am speaking from 1st hand experience. I watched as women continued to have child after child each year or so as if this was something to be celebrated? I was a welfare kid growing up but with hard work my mother changed her life and ours. Welfare for some is truly born of tragedy but for far more it is generational and a "way of life". The problem is welfare in CA especially is just enough and just easy enough to fraud that there is not enough of an incentive to change it.
What is really sick is the number of women who brought in their own teens (boys and girls) to start a case for their soon to be grandchildren. So before you ASSUME that people don't want to be on welfare make sure you look at what they don't want more than that like having to afford their own reckless sex life, get a job, go to school, etc.
Yes, this is the United States, people have rights here that is very true, God Bless America, I love my freedom of speech. Let make a comparison that may shed some light on why I believe this is a reasonable expectations:
~ Employers - some private companies, sports and the United States military all dictate how their employees act in and outside of the work place. Many take disciplinary action including and up to termination depending on the severity of the conduct and their contract.
Welfare is often referred to be recipients as their paycheck. Since the mentality that the government is paying them is already in place why not place some restrictions on behavior and lifestyle to suit the actual purpose of receiving that check. Let us not forget the original intent of welfare was not to support a generational habit of irresponsibility but to give a helping hand.
I am surprised that more taxpayers are not outraged by the blatant slap in the face they are receiving from welfare recipients. I would like to have children at some point but Mr. Moxie and I have made a conscious decision to wait until we are financially capable of supporting ourselves as well as any additions. So, yes I am bitter when clients come to add there fifth child (the 3rd or 4th they have had since they got on services). I find it very hard to "celebrate" this as a joyful occasion as I realize more of my hard earned money will go to caring for there ever growing brood. I am forced to smile as I think I may have to get another job to support them and put money away for my future child.
Too bad I have to much work ethic to quit and go on welfare. I could certainly have a baby then.

Obama Budget hurts Middle Class the most

I was disappointed in the budget proposal mad by Obama this week. Mostly because I do not think enough major cuts were made to the federally funded programs. At some point the continued printing of money to offset our spending vs. revenue is going to come back to haunt us. If it did not work for thousands of Americans with credit cards and equity loans what makes the government think it is any different?

Everyone will eventually feel the pain with President Obama's new budget proposal but clearly the middle class will suffer it the most. I scratch my head once again as to how this budget cannot clearly define more cuts in our social services or as I like to refer to them "sloth troughs". Everyone including myself has needed a helping hand at one time or another and of course elderly and disabled will need continued support. How about the abled bodied? Do they justify our supporting them in perpetuum in the future?

I'd like to see some welfare and section 8 cuts. Public Housing is not the same thing as section 8. As someone looking to go to graduate school his cut on loans would affect me personally but everyone is going to need to take a hit. I am OK with my fair share so long as we stop feeding the sloth troughs. Many of these welfare and section 8 freeloaders (not the ones actually working and/or going to school) but the actual lazy bones sitting at home popping out more generations of welfare should be put to work in our schools, cleaning litter etc. Until we stop giving it away free they are going to keep coming. Obama needs to start his cuts there or at least give the tax payers something for their money.
I'd like to see the welfare to work program be reformed to a work for your welfare program. Use the welfare recipients to staff our school libraries, run after school programs, clean the streets of litter, filing in public agencies to name just a few public serving duties these people could serve.
Wake up America - Welfare is helping very few people! Welfare makes dependents we can not afford to support any longer! Too many people have their hand out and not enough are contributing to support them. You do not need to be an economics major to figure that out.